Playsets Make the Best Choice for Winter

As temperatures start to drop and kids gear up to have fun outdoors. The conditions tend to be quite pleasant outside, and winter months are probably the best time for children to step out and play. There are numerous benefits to playing outdoors in the fresh winter breeze and sunshine. It gives a healthy dose of Vitamin D, helps develop motor and cognitive skills, promotes collaboration, and more. A great way to spark a child's imagination and have fun with their friends is to keep them engaged with an exciting play set in the winter.

Benefits of Playsets for your Child to Play Outdoor

Getting your child to play outside on playsets will give your child some fresh air which is excellent for the lungs. Playing outdoors – activities like hopping, walking and running increase diaphragmatic breathing, which brings more oxygen and helps the lungs expel airborne toxins from the body. And it always feels good to spend some time with nature. Likewise, there are some additional benefits of having playsets in your child's play area, which are discussed below:

Helps Kids to Enjoy Physical Exercise

A great way to keep your children physically engaged naturally is – a playset. Which involves climbing, sliding, and jumping, all of which encourage muscle development. For example, consider a swing set. Swinging is exercise-fueled fun, plain and simple. A swing set is a fantastic way to help keep your child healthier and more active. Additionally, numerous accessories come with a swing set: steering wheel, infant wheel, orbit swing, and more.

Teaches Important Life Skills

Children can learn essential skills involving cooperative play, compromise, playing fair, and teamwork when on an outdoor playset. What if a child doesn't want to socialize and play solo on a particular day? That's fine; they can still learn valuable things like the value of patience and respecting personal boundaries. Children can discover the best life lessons on the playground in many ways.

Play Set Grows Community Skills

The best way to let your kids get along with their peers and neighbors' kids more quickly is by having a playset. Playsets help build community connections and provide the kids with a safe place to play in the neighborhood. So, a great way to get your community kids together is by giving your child a playset that enables bond with their peers.

Provides Real Benefits to Parents

A playset in the backyard isn't just good for the kids but also great for the parents. While kids enjoy their playtime, parents have an excellent opportunity to focus on other things, like running errands or having a nice cup of coffee. A playset with enhanced safety features like guardrails, barriers, and other accessories with kids' safety in mind assures parents' confidence as minimal monitoring is required while playing.

Terrain Play - A Place For Premium Playsets

تيران بلاي offers a variety of premium playsets and numerous accessories that encourage children to play outdoors during winter. Terrain play systems ensure that no harsh chemicals are used in making the playsets. Cedar wood is used since they naturally resist decay, fungus, and insects, with galvanized hardware and the highest quality craftsmanship to ensure safety and versatility for years to come. Our signature hand grips provide no-slip grips when children climb on the play sets.

The rail cushioning on the playset entrances and exits is an added layer of protection to ensure the safety of children. Moreover, our beams are milled to have curved edges and an ultra-smooth finish to prevent splinters. Some of our premium playsets are listed below:

• Steering Wheel
• Infant Swing
• 360 Turbo Tire Swing
• Orbit Swing
• Full Bucket Toddler Swing
• Double Glider Swing

Some of our featured playset products are:

Woodplay Monkey Tower F

Monkey Tower F offers a lifetime warranty on each swing set, bigger beams, triple joint construction, and galvanized recessed hardware. Some of the accessories included in Woodplay Monkey Tower F are a swing beam, slide, telescope, a wood roof, a monkey room, a ship's wheel, safety handles, a tiki table and more.

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Paramount Swing Set

The Paramount Swing Set from Terrain Play provides fun activities for compact backyards. Especially for children and their buddies, the paramount swing set is designed for small to medium backyards to discover more entertaining activities. Some of the accessories included in the paramount swing set are a cool wave slide, entry ladder, belt swing, sand play area, double joint swing beam frame, and more.

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Jack and June Haven

Jack and June's Haven Playset assures years of healthy outdoor fun for children of all ages, as the playset is made of natural decay and insect-resistant cedar. Some accessories included in the Haven Playset are two belt swings, a telescope, a steering wheel, a fireman's pole, a rock wall with a climbing rope, a standard step ladder, a port window, and safety handles.

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To Conclude

The possibility of getting injured is higher while playing outdoors. Some unexpected falls may happen while running or climbing, leading to severe injury. Hence, the combination of Terrain لأرضيات الملاعب and other الأرضيات المطاطية solutions, along with Terrain Play for children's play areas, built with quality materials and safety features, reduces the risk of injury. Therefore, making Terrain Play and Terrain Floorings make an ideal solution for outdoor winter play.


مؤخر للحرائق
معتمد من
مضاد للفطريات
معتمد من
مضاد للأشعة فوق البنفسجية
معتمد من
certified by ISO
محافظ على سلامة السطح
معتمد من
مقاوم للانزلاق
معتمد من
certified for
Deformability/Elasticity, Permanent Tread Load, Abrasion, Slip resistance, Acid resistance

Conditions apply

الأسئلة الشائعة

يمكن تصنيع الأرضيات المطاطية من مواد اصطناعية أو طبيعية ، بما في ذلك الإطارات المعاد تدويرها و نظرًا لمرونتها وارتدادها ، فإنها تندرج تحت فئة الأرضيات المرنة.

أبعادنا العادية لبلاط ايكو هي 50 × 50 أو 100 × 100 و تبدأ السماكة من 15 مم إلى 70 مم. ومع ذلك ، نظرًا لأننا مصنعون لهذه المنتجات ، فإن أي تخصيص يمكن أن يكون ممكنًا.

عادة ما نحتفظ بمخزون للعناصر العادية. ومع ذلك ، في المتوسط ، يجب أن يستغرق إنتاج 100 متر مربع من البلاط من 7 إلى 10 أيام. (للحصول على استفسار محدد ، لا تتردد في الاتصال بنا للحصول على مهلة دقيقة. يمكن أن يكون جاهزًا في المخزون أو قد يستغرق تسليمه في غضون 2-3 أيام.)

Terrain tiles: 1-2 days
الأرضيات السلسة:من ثلاثة إلى خمسة أيام
اللفائف المطاطية: من يومين إلى أربعة أيام

تلاشي اللون أمر طبيعي بسبب التعرض للأشعة فوق البنفسجية. ومع ذلك ، بالنسبة للتطبيقات الخارجية ، فإننا نستخدم مادة خاصة للحد من تأثير الاصفرار على الأرضيات وزيادة عمر المنتج.

الرائحة الأولية في المنتجات المطاطية أمر طبيعي. ومع ذلك ، مع التهوية بشكل كافٍ بعد التثبيت ، يجب أن تختفي الرائحة. إذا لم يحدث ذلك ، فلا تتردد في الرجوع إلينا. سنعمل على إيجاد حل لك.

نقدم ضمانًا لمدة عامين لجميع المنتجات المصنعة من تيران.

نحن نقدم مجموعة متنوعة من تقارير الاختبار لمنتجاتنا. لمزيد من المعلومات ، يرجى زيارة قسم التحميلات على موقعنا على الإنترنت.